Body Life
Christian Education
Sunday School Class Information
Sunday 10:30 a.m
Youth- Grades 6th through 12th
Eric Shriner (Youth Director)/ Kelly Baum
This class delves into the Bible to find answers to teens' tough questions about current events and topics that are relevant to their lives.
Adult Bible Studies- Paul Miller/ Connie Tichnell
This group of "mature adults" enjoys studying a variety of topics, Biblical personalities and the use of multi-session DVD series to discover the truth of God's Word. The class is open to all adults (not just the mature ones!)
Application Class- Pastor James Franklin
This class sometimes focuses on a particular book of Scripture and other times we follow a DVD series. In either case, we like to work through life's tough questions from a Biblical perspective and see how we can apply God's truth to our lives.
Fisherman Class- Darlene Warehime
The Fisherman Class is a discussion class that uses different resources to delve into aspects of the Bible and of the nature of God in order to become closer to Him.
Paths to Victory Class- Victor Gromack
This class is a Bible study in which several Bible translations are used to allow us to thoroughly understand God's Word as it is written. We discuss how we see Satan's evil handiwork in our lives, and through our reading of the Bible we learn to recognize God's ultimate healing work and how to better apply His Word to our lives.
Young Adults Class- Harry Line
This class is open to anyone post-high school through the late thirties. We discuss books of the Bible and study them from beginning to end, verse by verse, but on occasion digress to other topics that are relevant to the class participants.
Age3 to Kindergarten-Shawna Franklin/ Norma Klock
Grades 1 through 5- Carol Shriner/Debbie Heberlig
Sunday School 10:45am
Sunday School 101- Pastor Jim Klock
This class is intended for those who are new to the church or do not already attend a Sunday school class and may be interested in discussing the morning sermon, living as a Christian in a secular world, and how to share your faith.
Wednesday Evening Programs
Wednesday Night Meal
Meals are provided every Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:15pm except when Special Services are held and during the summer months. An offering is taken to subsidize the cost of the meals.
Kidz Clubs
Plainfield First Church of God's Wednesday Night Children's Program is held weekly at 6:30pm for all children ages 3 through 5th grades. We spend time hearing God’s Word and applying it to our lives, burning off our energy through games, and making a craft for us to enjoy.
- The children that are participating in the Wednesday night program also come for the meal, they are required to stay in the gym until 6:30 pm until the Children's Program staff and volunteers take them to class. If the bathroom is needed at that time, please notify an adult.
“Plain Truth” Youth Ministry- Youth Director: Eric Shriner
All youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to be a part of the Plainfield First Church of God Youth for Truth Ministry or “Plain Truth,” and 5th graders may join at the end of the school year. The focus of our ministry is helping our young people know and hold onto the truth of Christ in a world that will pull them in every other direction. Our regular meetings are Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the youth room, and we also have some fun activities and service projects throughout the year.
Adult Bible Studies
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
- Adult Bible Study is open to all adults and is held in room 105-106. We are currently using a devotional entitled, His Power For Your Weakness by John Selcher. his study will be led for the most part by ella Kuhn, but open discussion is welcomed and assistance in leading the discussion is encouraged.
There is something for everyone! Please join us!
Additional Ministries
Women’s Ministries
The Women’s Ministries’ goal is to unite the women of the church in Bible study, prayer, fellowship and service. Events are planned through the year and all women of the church are invited to be part of this ministry. There is currently a Morning Bible Study that meets on Friday mornings at 9:30am (except during the summer months).
Music Ministry
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
This ministry is an outreach to the community. The second Tuesday of every month, anyone in the community in need may come in to the church at 6:30pm and receive some groceries and may pick out clothing for their family. Congregational members are also available to minister to anyone that seeks prayer and spiritual counsel.