Body Life/Evangelism
Christian Education
Sunday School Class Information
Sunday 10:30 a.m
Youth- Grades 6th through 12th- with Pastor James Franklin and Judy Breneman
At this time, we are exploring the Gospel of John and Samuel using video lessons and discussion. Food donations are always greatly anticipated and appreciated. Please find us in Room 201.
Youthful Senior Class- with Paul Miller
This class has been watching videos: Heroes of the Bible, The Seven Churches of Revelation, and In Pursuit of Peter the Apostle. We will be watching In Pursuit of Paul the Apostle next. We also have discussions after each episode of the series. This youthful class meets in Room 103.
Adult Life Studies
Right now, we're working in the book of Genesis with the goal of an all-encompassing walk through the Bible, its people, and the culture. We have been using RightNow Media, maps, timelines, and other materials to piece together how the Bible fits into the big picture of what else was occurring on the world map. And we usually have food!
Application Class- with Steve Parrish
We do various videos through RightNow Media and have discussion afterward. We meet in the green room- Room 205.
Children's Sunday School: ages 3 years through 2nd grade- with Shawna Franklin
We are using the Answers in Genesis curriculum in class. We made our way through the Old Testament for the last couple of years and have recently begun to study the New Testament. Our new unit and are learning about Jesus' early ministry. Along with the lessons we will have Bible verses, activities, and occasional crafts that coincide with the lesson. Of course, there is always snack time during class. We are located in Room 202.
Children's Sunday School: grades 3 -5- with Kelly and Roy Baum
This newly started class is using curriculum Route 66 "A Trip Through the Bible" by Caron Dellosa. Children will embark on a road trip through each of the 66 books of the Bible. Children meet in Room 204.
Wednesday Evening Programs
Wednesday Night Meal
Meals are provided every Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:30 pm except when Special Services are held and during the summer months. Donations are accepted for those that would like to help offset the cost of the meal.
Wednesday Night Kidz Club- with Sarah Miller and Danielle Predix (6:30 pm)
We are currently following Jesus' miracles and ministries from his baptism to his journey to the cross. We are taking a close look at his individual disciples and using maps to get a better mental visual of where Jesus lived, taught and traveled.
Wednesday Night Youth- with Steve Parrish and Jana Heberlig (6:30 pm)
Right now, we are studying Jesus' ministry on earth and the importance of its proximity. We have maps on the wall; small maps for each; a video we watch together and then talk about; and short assignments to complete.
Adult Bible Studies- with Ella Kuhn (6:30 pm)
The Adult Bible Study is open to all adults and is held in room 105-106 following the Wednesday night meal. We are currently working through the Bible Study, The Essentials of Effective Prayer by Kay Arthur, David and BJ Lawson.
There is something for everyone! Please join us!
Additional Ministries
Ladies' Bible Study-
The Ladies are currently responding to the material by Liz Higgins called, Bad Girls of the Bible. This group meets from 9:30 am to 11:00 am on Friday mornings in Room 103.
Brotherhood- with Devon Heberlig
This men's group usually meets the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm. The men discuss Biblical topics and usually fellowship with food!
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
This ministry is an outreach to the community. The second Tuesday of every month, anyone in the community in need may come into the church at 6:30pm and receive some groceries and may pick out clothing for their family. Congregational members are also available to minister to anyone that seeks prayer and spiritual counsel.